Sunday, June 10, 2012

An Update on All Tomatoes

It's been a long time since I've posted about my tomato garden.  Mostly it's because the first round of seedlings  had all encountered dry crispy deaths once transplanted outside in the unforgiving sun.  However, my determination to have some tomatoes this year resulted in buying some larger plants from Home Depot.  These plants ALREADY had a few tomatoes on them!  Yes, I'm technically "cheating!"  But these plants have fruited more tomatoes since I bought them at the store, so at least I didn't kill the poor plants, right?

I'll post again later today with lots of pics.  :)

Monday, February 6, 2012

1st Round of Tomato Seed Plantings

Hurray!  It's finally time to plant those tomato seeds!

I got a tip from one of my coworkers today.  He said that he was planting his tomato seeds today in some disposable cups.  I didn't have time to go to a different store other than Home Depot today, so I got the biodegradable 2 1/4" cups.  They were $1.99 for a pack of 26 cups.  That's not too bad and it seems like its better for the environment anyway, so I bought them.  I also had some Jiffy peat moss expandable seed pod thingies.  I'm not sure what they're called.  I used them before and they work okay.  I just wanted to use them up.  I don't think they work any better than regular potting soil.

I planted some Super Sweet 100 cherry tomatoes, Jellybean cherry tomatoes, Roma tomatoes, Yellow Jubilee tomatoes, Early Girl tomatoes, Purple Tomatillos, and Large Red Cherry tomatoes.  I will let these grow under the indoor grow-bulb.  My coworker will be growing his under a warm south facing window.

I bought a TON of seeds.... so I will probably start the 2nd round of seed plantings next week.  I'll see how these ones do before I go on a planting spree.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Warm Days in January

The last few days this week have been extremely warm. I am almost tempted to plant a few tomato seeds just to see if they can survive. Is everyone getting excited about planting tomatoes this year or is it just me? Probably just me. I am ridiculous when I am interested in something.

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