Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Day 2 - Tracking Tomato Plant Growth Every Day

After Day 2 of tomato tracking, both Super Sweet 100s have shown growth, but the Early Girl and Husky Red have not grown much at all.

Super Sweet 100 (#2) is approximately 8 inches tall.  It's grown 1 inch since yesterday.

Husky Red cherry tomato plant is still about 6 inches tall.  Not much growth since yesterday.

Early Girl tomato plant is about 6 inches tall.  No discernible growth since yesterday's measurement.

Super Sweet 100 (#1) is 10 inches tall today.  It has grown about 1 inch since yesterday.

I've been thinking about taking Sweet 100 (#1) outside and bringing in Sweet 100 (#2) inside to get some Aerogarden lighting.

Not much to say about these little guys yet.  Come back tomorrow to see if Early Girl and Husky Red grow at all!

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